Eph 577 6/23/87, 586, 838, 846, 872ff, 899 9/8/88




A.  Visible Heroes of the Theocentric Dispensations.

            1. Abraham was a visible hero, Rom 4:20-21, “Yet he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what God had promised He was able also to perform.”

            2. Moses was a great visible hero. However, it was not his genius that made him great, but the fact that he told the people when leading them out of Egypt, “Fear not. Stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today . . . The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

            3. Joshua succeeded Moses. He became a great visible hero once he understood that the Lord Jesus Christ was in command. At the end of his days as he saw the trends toward apostasy, he said in Joshua 24:15, “Choose you for yourselves today whom you will serve. . .  But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

            4. David stood before Goliath saying, “The battle is the Lord’s.”

            5. Elijah said before the people, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, then follow Him.”

            6. Daniel in chapter 2 “answered and said, `That the name of God be blessed forever and ever. For wisdom and power belong to Him. Furthermore, it is He who changes the times and the dispensations. He removes the kings; He establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise men and knowledge to the knowers of doctrine.’” As Daniel faced the fiery furnace, he said, “I will not renounce the Lord. Even if He sees fit to take me, I’d rather be in His will than to renounce Him.” 7. These and others were visible heroes in the theocentric dispensations of the Old Testament which called for visible heroes.


B.  The Invisible Hero of the Hypostatic Union.

            1. We live in one of the christocentric dispensations, the great power experiment of the Church Age. The purpose of the Church Age is to manufacture invisible heroes out of the royal family of God.

            2. All our precedence is taken from the great power experiment of the hypostatic union, not from the Mosaic Law. Therefore, we have only one hero:  our Lord Jesus Christ.

            3. During His incarnation, our Lord was very visible to Israel. As the Messiah, Son of David, and ruler of Israel, He followed the Old Testament pattern and was a very visible hero.

            4. In His role as ruler of the Church, He is invisible. Our Lord prophesied about the great power experiment of the Church Age in the Upper Room Discourse and before He ascended, Acts 1:4-8.

            5. But our Lord also demonstrated what an invisible hero in the Church Age would do:  he would live inside the divine dynasphere. He functioned in the prototype divine dynasphere, which is exactly like the operational-type divine dynasphere that has been given to us.

            6. On the cross, Jesus Christ remained impeccable and could stay on the cross bearing our sins because He was sustained by the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit inside the prototype divine dynasphere and because He had God’s perfect happiness. These problem-solving devices are available to us as well. All that we have in the great power experiment of the Church Age comes from the great power experiment of the hypostatic union.

            7. So as a visible hero, our Lord presented Himself to Israel as Messiah, the Son of David. As an invisible hero, our Lord was judged for the sins of the world on the cross. That invisibility was enhanced by the fact that darkness fell across the land from 12 noon until 3 p.m., according to Mt 27:45, during which period of time our Lord received the judgment for the sins of the world.

            8. Just as our Lord executed the salvation plan of God in the First Advent, we are here to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.


C.  Invisible Heroes of the Church Age.

            1. The purpose of the great power experiment of the Church Age is to manufacture invisible heroes. The invisible hero is the product of Bible doctrine.

            2. The invisible hero advances to spiritual maturity. He executes the protocol plan of God. He spends enough time inside the operational-type divine dynasphere and under the ministry of whomever is his right pastor to learn the principles of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            3. Invisible God plus invisible assets plus invisible power equals the invisible hero.

            4. No one can become an invisible hero apart from post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, which emphasizes consistent exposure to and cognition of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, through which the believer attains spiritual maturity and provides invisible impact.

                        a. The great power experiment of the Church Age is designed to manufacture invisible heroes through perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine.

                        b. Metabolized doctrine plus wisdom results in momentum in the protocol plan of God. The execution of the protocol plan results in the manufacture of invisible heroes.

            5. The mystery doctrine of the Church Age cannot be perceived and metabolized apart from residence, function, and momentum inside your very own palace, the operational-type divine dynasphere.

                        a. He is generally filled with the Spirit at gate #1 of the divine dynasphere.

                        b. He has already learned the basic doctrines, basic modus operandi, and problem-solving devices at gate #2.

                        c. He has enforced and genuine humility so that he perpetuates perception of Bible doctrine, and thereby spiritual momentum.

                        d. He functions consistently under post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation. Therefore, he functions under gate #4, which is the perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine.

                        e. He has advanced to gate #5, the first gate of spiritual adulthood, where he has attained spiritual self-esteem, which is cognitive self-confidence. Then he passes providential preventative suffering, the suffering for blessing which advances him to gate #6.

                        f. In spiritual autonomy at gate #6, he passes the four parts of momentum testing (gate #7) from cognitive independence.

                        g. Finally, he advances to gate #8 and attains spiritual maturity. He passes evidence testing and becomes an invisible hero. As an invisible hero, the believer becomes a part of the pivot, which is the last stand of any client nation and its only basis for genuine blessing.

            6. The spiritual gift of pastor-teacher is the divinely-appointed vehicle for the communication of the mystery doctrine as well as other doctrines and principles in the Word of God.

                        a. The pastor communicates all of the mechanics and information necessary for the execution of the protocol plan. An invisible hero is only manufactured through the execution of the protocol plan of God. The believer can only glorify God through the execution of that plan in the Church Age.

                        b. So it is absolutely necessary for the believer as a royal priest to sit still, listen, concentrate under the filling of the Spirit, understand, and believe the doctrine, metabolizing it by faith perception.

                        c. No believer can execute the protocol plan of God, become an invisible hero, or glorify God apart from the teaching ministry of a pastor. This dramatizes the importance of isagogical, exegetical, categorical expository teaching of the Word of God.

            7. In the client nation, visible heroes are related to the laws of divine establishment, while invisible heroes are related to the pivot of mature believers.

            8. As goes the believer, so goes the client nation to God.

            9. The magnetism of the invisible hero is not only related to his utilization of the ten problem-solving devices of the protocol plan, but to his invisible impact on history in five categories.


D.  The Invisible Hero’s Impact on History.

            1. Personal impact is defined as blessing by association with the mature believer who is both a winner and an invisible hero in the protocol plan. Blessing by association with the invisible hero includes the following peripheries.

                        a. Family:  husband, wife, mother, father, children, relatives, pets.

                        b. Organizations:  businesses, schools, teams, law firms, medical clinics, military organizations, law enforcement, engineering firms, banks, corporations, symphony orchestra, etc.

                        c. Social life.

                        d. Church life, mission board, prep school, Christian service organizations.

                        e. Geographical:  neighborhood, city, county, state, nation.

            2. Historical impact is defined as blessing by association to the Gentile client nation through the formation of the pivot of mature believers.

                        a. Through post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, the believer executes the protocol plan of God and advances to spiritual maturity, becoming both an invisible hero and a member of the pivot of the client nation.

                        b. The size of the pivot of invisible heroes becomes the basis of either blessing or cursing to a nation.

                        c. A large pivot of invisible heroes means national blessing, prosperity in spiritual affairs as well as in the function of government, law enforcement, military modus operandi, the economy, and the cultural and social life of the nation.

                        d. A small pivot of invisible heroes means the administration of the five cycles of discipline to the client nation. A large pivot of invisible heroes means the five cycles of discipline are cancelled and the nation is delivered by the grace of God.

                        e. As goes the believer, so goes the client nation to God historically, spiritually, economically, and socially.

                        f. When the pivot shrinks through apostasy, the client nation declines. It is eventually destroyed by the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline.

            3. International impact is defined as blessing by association to a non-client nation through missionaries who have attained spiritual maturity.

                        a. The missionary who is an invisible hero has a dual impact of blessing by association.

                                    (1) The mature missionary is a blessing to the client nation from which he comes.

                                    (2) The mature missionary is a blessing to the foreign country to which he goes.

                        b. When the invisible hero goes to a non-client nation as a missionary, he becomes a source of blessing by association to that non- client nation, so that it prospers.

                        c. The mature missionary does not interfere with the politics, the culture, or the function of the non-client nation through Christian activism which is both evil and a part of moral degeneration.

                        d. The mature missionary functions under the indigenous policy and modus operandi. Therefore, his impact is both invisible and spiritual.

                        e. The result of invisible international impact is two categories of blessings by association.

                                    (1) Spiritual prosperity comes from evangelism, the training of national pastors, and the formation of self-sustaining local churches in that non-client nation.

                                    (2) National prosperity without activism, interference, social engineering, civil disobedience, terrorism, or revolution.

            4. Angelic impact is defined as the invisible hero becoming a witness for the Prosecution in the rebuttal phase of Satan’s appeal trial during human history. This witness is accomplished by the mature believer passing evidence testing.

                        a. The importance of this invisible impact is based on the fact that the post-canon period of the Church Age is the only prolonged period of human history where the angelic conflict is totally invisible. Angels are visible in every other dispensation except the Church Age.

                        b. But when people become believers in Jesus Christ and execute the protocol plan of God, they are applauded by the elect angels. Angels cheer when someone becomes an invisible hero.

                        c. Mankind was created to resolve the prehistoric angelic conflict. Therefore, angels are now observing human history.

                        d. In the dispensation of the hypostatic union, angels observed the Incarnation, 1 Tim 3:16.                         e. In the dispensation of the Church, angels are observing you, 1 Cor 4:9; Eph 3:10; 1 Tim 5:21; 1 Pet 1:12.

                        f. The Church Age therefore has an unusual testimony. Every Church Age believer is a testimony to homo sapiens who are visible and to millions of angelic creatures who are invisible.

                        g. Therefore, the invisible hero fulfills the very purpose for which man was created and confined to planet earth.

            5. Heritage impact is blessing by association with the invisible hero after his death. He is now “absent from the body and face to the face with the Lord", in a place of “no more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, no more death; the old things have passed away,” (Rev 21:4).

                        a. Therefore, heritage impact is blessing by association to the next generation. It is the continuation of blessing by association after the death of an invisible hero to one or perhaps two following generations.

                        b. Heritage impact is blessing by association on an individual basis only. This means that the loved ones and possibly the close friends and associates of the invisible hero, regardless of their spiritual status, believer or unbeliever, winners or losers in the protocol plan of God, are blessed by their association with the invisible hero after his death.

                        c. This explains one reason why even the wicked prosper, believer or unbeliever. Both believers and unbelievers prosper in any given generation because of their association with the invisible hero.

                        d. Believers, winners or losers, also prosper on the basis of logistical grace. Since many believers are wicked, they prosper only because of logistical grace.

       E.  Failure to Become an Invisible Hero.

            1. Invisible heroes are manufactured through Bible doctrine.

                        a. You cannot sit down and read the Bible for yourself and execute the protocol plan of God. Were that possible, we should all go home and read the Bible vigorously.

                        b. However, the spiritual gift of pastor-teacher has been given. Its purpose is to dig out, categorize, exegete, and teach God’s plan for your life.

                        c. Your failure to put Bible doctrine first makes it impossible for the pastor-teacher to communicate this information.

            2. As Rebecca West wrote, “The trouble about man is twofold:  he cannot learn truths that are too complicated, and he forgets truths that are too simple.” We paraphrase:  “The trouble with the Church Age believer is twofold:  because of negative volition, he cannot learn Bible doctrines that are too complicated, and he forgets Bible doctrines that are too simple.”

            3. Marcus Aurelius said, “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

            4. Lack of concentration under the ministry of the Holy Spirit when Bible doctrine is taught is tantamount to negative volition, resulting in cosmic involvement.

            5. Arrogance is the greatest hindrance to becoming an invisible hero. Therefore, we are commanded to heed the mandate of Rom 12:2-3. “Stop being conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your thought, so that you may prove what the will of God is, namely, the good of intrinsic value achievement [advance to spiritual maturity], the well- pleasing to God [execution of protocol plan], the mature status quo [the manufacture of the invisible hero]. For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you:  stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.”


F.  The Personal Sense of Destiny of the Invisible Hero.

            1. It is that standard of thinking from doctrine that gives the invisible impact of the invisible hero, that provides the magnetism of his spiritual function, his utilization of the problem-solving devices, and his invisible impact in five categories.

            2. Accompanying his invisible magnetism is a personal sense of destiny and occupation with the person of Christ.

            3. God has a plan, purpose, and format for our lives. The result of this plan, purpose, and format is that personal sense of destiny. Rom 9:23, “In order that He might make known to you the riches of His glory on vessels of mercy which He prepared in advance for His glory.” There is the invisible hero with a personal sense of destiny.

            4. Eph 1:18, “That the eyes of your right lobe may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” The riches of glory refers to your fantastic portfolio of invisible assets which, when utilized, results in making you an invisible hero.

            5. Eph 3:16, “That He may give you, on the basis of the riches in glory, to become strong by means of power through His Spirit in your inner being.”

            6. For the Church Age believer living on planet earth, you have no destiny apart from the protocol plan of God. To fail to understand it means to fail to use it. To fail to use it means you revert to whatever you would be as an unbeliever. In addition, all the disasters from involvement in cosmic one, cosmic two, and reversionism could be added to your life.

            7. Your destiny was assigned to your in eternity past when God provided for you your very own portfolio of invisible assets.

            8. To attain your destiny as an invisible hero, you must pass the three stages of suffering for blessing.

                        a. Providential preventative suffering.

                        b. Momentum testing.

                        c. Evidence testing.

9.  Under the protocol plan of God, you personally have a destiny. That destiny actually began the moment you believed in Jesus Christ.

     10. God has a plan for your life, but that plan cannot be discovered apart from perception of doctrine. Your personal sense of destiny is related to your cognition of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

     11. If God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted. God only promotes prepared believers who are in spiritual adulthood. God promotes invisible heroes. The five categories of impact give you a phenomenal opportunity.


G.  The Death of the Invisible Hero.

            1. There is only one way to die as a believer, and that is to die as an invisible hero.

            2. In the protocol plan of God, physical death is God’s victory for every believer, both winners and losers. This is because God, in His sovereignty, decides the time, place, and manner of our dying. Up until then, we use our volition to choose for or against the protocol plan of God.

            3. Categorically, the protocol plan of God can be regarded from two viewpoints.

                        a. From the viewpoint of spiritual growth.

                                    (1) The life beyond gnosis, Eph 3:17, from salvation to spiritual maturity.

                                    (2) The life beyond dreams, Eph 3:20, from spiritual maturity to physical death or the Rapture.

                        b. From the viewpoint of spiritual experience.

                                    (1) The living stage, Phil 1:21a, “For me living is Christ.”

                                    (2) The dying stage, Phil 1:21b, “and dying is profit.” Rom 14:8, “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” That is living and dying under occupation with the person of Christ.

            4. The living stage of the Christian life or protocol plan begins one second after salvation through faith in Christ and continues to the point of dying. In the living stage, we make decisions, both good decisions from a position of strength, and bad decisions from a position of weakness.

            5. But once we begin to die, it is strictly the Lord’s decision and His victory. The dying stage of the protocol plan of God begins at the point when we are aware (or unaware) that we are dying, and continues until the point of physical death or the Rapture, whichever occurs first.

                        a. Dying must be distinguished from the moment of death. Dying can be short or prolonged, painless or painful.

                        b. During the living stage, the believer has full use of his volition to execute the protocol plan under equal privilege and equal opportunity.

                        c. But from the moment we begin to die, we are in the hands of the sovereignty of God. The volition of the believer may coexist with the sovereignty of God while living, but once he begins to die, it all falls to the sovereignty of God.

                        d. How we handle dying is very important. We are prepared for it as invisible heroes. We are not prepared for it as believers who are losers in the Christian life.

                        e. The dying stage of the protocol plan is a matter of the sovereign decision of God, based on His omnipotence, wisdom, and integrity.

                        f. In the living stage of the protocol plan of God, the believer through the use of his own volition has control over his life for success or failure in the execution of God’s plan.

                        g. Therefore, while the believer has control over his life to become a winner or a loser in the protocol plan, he has no control over the time, place, or manner of his death.

                        h. Since the dying of the believer is a matter of the wisdom, integrity, and sovereignty of God, the death of every believer, winner or loser, is God’s victory. Since God decides, God is the victor.

                        i. Since it is impossible for God to be unfair or unjust, the time, place, and manner of our death is always a perfect decision. God is perfect; His sovereign decisions are perfect.

                        j. Ps 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” That verse applies to both winners and losers.

                        k. How well we accept the sovereign decision of God in dying depends on our spiritual state. The only preparation for dying is spiritual preparation, which means the execution of the protocol plan of God, becoming an invisible hero, and glorifying Him.

                        l. Invisible heroes die well, for their dying is profit to them.

                        m. The manner of our dying is a matter of the wise, sovereign, and just decision of our Lord. Our dying can be painful and quick or prolonged and painless; we have no control over the manner of our death. However, God has prepared us for whatever the manner of our death with His fantastic plan.

                        n. We have two testimonies:  a living and a dying testimony.

                        o. No one can judge the reason or cause for the death of a fellow believer. It is not subject to human judgment or human speculation. It is strictly the Lord’s decision.

                        p. Death follows dying. According to 2 Cor 5:8, all believers, winners and losers alike, are “absent from the body and face to face with the Lord.” According to Rev 21:4, we are in a place of “no more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, no more death; the old things have passed away.”

                        q. Since dying and death is God’s victory, those loved ones left behind have no right to be bitter or to blame God. For “we do not sorrow as those who have no hope.” The attitude of the living at the grave side is found in Job 1:21:  “The Lord gave; the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

                        r. The living have no right to question the judgment of God in the death of a loved one, for such a reaction is seeking to rob God of His victory in Christian death. In fact, it is blasphemous to question the perfect judgment of God regarding the death of a loved one. The loved one who is a believer is in heaven, whether winner or loser, in a state of perfect happiness.

            6. There’s nothing as important as the death of the invisible hero. This is a part of his fantastic testimony, “For me, living is Christ and dying is profit.”

            7. The death of the invisible hero is classified as dying grace.

            8. For the invisible hero, God has actually saved the best until last.

            9. If as a winner you enjoy living, you will love dying. Winners use the ten problem-solving devices in living, and they continue to use them in dying. Rom 14:8, “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.”

      10. In both living and dying, the winner uses the rebound technique, the filling of the Holy Spirit, the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, +H or sharing the happiness of God, a personal sense of destiny, and occupation with the person of Christ.


H.  The Loser.

            1. There are two categories of dying Christians.

                        a. Winners under dying grace.

                        b. Losers under the sin unto death.

                        c. But whether a winner or a loser, whether in dying grace or the sin unto death, the death of every believer is God’s victory.

            2. The loser is defined as the Church Age believer in Jesus Christ who, through negative volition toward Bible doctrine, has failed to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. He does not fulfill God’s plan for his life after salvation.

            3. The loser is the believer in Jesus Christ who has wrong priorities and spends his life in the cosmic system.

            4. The loser has a right pastor, but because of cosmic involvement, he never sees his right pastor, or he only visits occasionally.

            5. In many cases, the loser finds his right pastor but rejects him. Or the loser finds his right pastor and accepts him until he is distracted.

            6. Rejection of one’s right pastor is tantamount to rejection of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            7. The loser continues to receive logistical grace support and blessing.

            8. The loser does not lose his salvation; he only loses his escrow blessings for time and eternity.

                        a. No failure on the part of a loser can cancel the forty things he receives at the moment of faith in Christ.

                        b. Therefore, the term “loser” does not imply loss of salvation. It is the quintessence of human arrogance to assume that a believer could do something so sinful, awful, evil, or blasphemous that it would cancel what God has done for him at salvation. Nothing can cancel our salvation.

                        c. However, because the loser’s escrow blessings are irrevocable, they remain on deposit forever as a memorial to lost opportunity.

            9. The loser has equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan with all believers who become winners.

     10. But instead of becoming an invisible hero, the loser is bored, dissatisfied, preoccupied with self, arrogant, frustrated, distracted, unstable, and unable to utilize the problem-solving devices.

     11. Therefore, the loser provides cursing by association which has adverse historical repercussions in the client nation.


I.  Pattern for Invisible Heroship in the Church Age:  the Apostle Paul.

            1. The pattern for invisible heroship of the Church Age is the apostle Paul.

            2. Eph 3:13, “Therefore, I ask you not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you which will be your glory.” Paul received both momentum testing and evidence testing while in prison. While incarcerated, he was able to advance to spiritual autonomy and to spiritual maturity.

            3. Paul advanced to each stage of spiritual adulthood: spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity. Each stage was tested by suffering for blessing. This system of suffering for blessing is unique to the Church Age, and it is designed to manufacture invisible heroes. You have equal privilege and equal opportunity to become one.

            4. Instead of being discouraged by Paul’s suffering for blessing, the recipients of the prison epistles will be benefitted by perception and metabolization of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            5. The three categories of suffering for blessing never existed in this form until the Church Age. God has provided both prosperity and adversity in a very organized form for you to execute God’s plan and will for your life.

            6. The benefit of metabolization and application is what Paul calls in Eph 3:13, “which will be for your glory.” There are two stages of this glory or of glorifying God. The first is the advance to spiritual maturity through momentum testing and receiving the distribution of your escrow blessings for time. The second is spiritual maturity plus evidence testing equals the glorification of God to the maximum; the reason why invisible heroes are kept alive.

            7. Paul’s communication of the mechanics by which the believer learns how to glorify God through the attainment of spiritual maturity and passing evidence testing is found in Ephesians 3. This is how invisible heroes are manufactured; this will be your glory. (See the doctrine of Paul.)


J.  The Source of Invisible Heroes.

            1. We have the opportunity after believing in Jesus Christ of becoming invisible heroes. This plan is not man-made, but was decided billions of years ago in eternity past.

            2. The source of this plan is God. The sovereignty of God is infinitely and eternally superior to the free will of man. Man from his own volition comes up with many plans. But the plan from the sovereignty of God is the only plan God recognizes in this Church Age.

            3. Billions of years ago in eternity past, the sovereignty of God made policy decisions with regard to mankind. He decided to permit the free will of man to coexist with His sovereignty in human history.

            4. Therefore, man makes two kinds of decisions:  good decisions from the position of strength or bad decisions from the position of weakness. Good decisions from a position of strength are non-meritorious, compatible with God’s grace policy. Bad decisions from a position of weakness are related to human merit and ability and even human heroship, and so are incompatible with God’s grace policy.

            5. Since during the course of human history, the sovereignty of God permits the coexistence of our human volition with His sovereignty, He has provided a protection so that we can choose for something far greater than anything man can contrive:  Truth.

            6. Truth or Bible doctrine is the design of God billions of years ago so that we can make good decisions from a position of strength in contrast to bad decisions from a position of weakness. All of us in the flesh have weaknesses and are weak. We are dependent upon the grace of God for the manufacture of heroes; i.e., invisible heroes.

            7. Part of this system of truth is the gospel, which gives us our first opportunity to make a good decision rather than a bad one. Our good decision:  personal faith in Jesus Christ. The bad decision:  to reject Jesus Christ as Savior. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; but he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”


K.  Invisible heroes in the Church Age are a testimony to angels.

            1. The angelic conflict is divided into two categories:  visible and invisible warfare. In the Old Testament dispensations, the angelic conflict was a combination of both visible and invisible warfare, both in heaven and on earth. Sometimes the warfare was in heaven and therefore invisible. Sometimes it was on earth and therefore visible, as noted in Gen 6.

            2. The only exception to this is during the Church Age, when it is strictly invisible warfare. Therefore, the objective for the Church Age believer under the protocol plan of God is to become an invisible hero. Whatever your function or station in life, as a believer in Jesus Christ you have only one objective which should be placed above everything else, and that is to become an invisible hero.

            3. Invisible heroes are manufactured by the execution of the protocol plan of God.

            4. Remember that during the Church Age, there are no visible angels, elect or fallen, yet angels are watching your every move. You are, as it were, in an arena being watched by angels, since the Church Age is the center of the invisible angelic conflict.

            5. Not only that, but the Church Age is the focal point of the invisible angelic conflict, 1 Cor 4:9; Eph 3:10; 1 Tim 5:21; 1 Pet 1:12.

            6. The life of every Church Age believer is related to a higher and greater invisible conflict. We have a tendency to be people-oriented because we see people every day. But what is most important is our testimony to angels. That is a part of our invisible conflict, and a part of your execution of the protocol plan of God.

            7. When you execute the protocol plan of God, you have a much higher testimony, and the reflection of that testimony is that God blesses your client nation. But when Christians fail to execute the protocol plan of God in this dispensation, then cursing comes upon their client nation.

            8. Those who execute the protocol plan of God are winners and invisible heroes. Those who fail to execute the protocol plan of God are losers, described in Eph 4:17-32.

            9. The invisible angelic conflict, which is coterminous with human history, necessitates a different plan of God for every dispensation. One reason why God’s plan changes for every dispensation is because during some dispensations, angels are visible; during others, angels are invisible. In most dispensations, there’s a mixture of the two, e.g., in the dispensations of the Old Testament and during the Tribulation. The only exception is the Church Age when the entire conflict is invisible. Therefore, the plan designed for our circumstances is the protocol plan of God.

     10. Winners execute the protocol plan, while losers are casualties to carnality and their arrogance.

     11. Eph 6:10-17 teaches this invisible warfare in detail. Therefore, the accouterments of armor mentioned in that passage are all related to the fact that we fight an invisible enemy.


L.  Summary of the Winner.

            1. The winner or mature believer receives distribution of his escrow blessings for time.

                        a. Eph 1 teaches that billions of years ago in eternity past, God the Father, as the grantor, deposited greater blessings into escrow for every believer, i.e., greater blessings for both time and the eternal state.

                        b. Our Lord Jesus Christ as the escrow officer makes distribution of escrow blessings in time and in eternity at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

                        c. Therefore, the winner has phenomenal impact and blessing in time as well as reward in eternity.

            2. The invisible hero is a mature believer who has a dynamic impact in history.

                        a. During the times of the Gentiles, the greatest historical impact is not recorded in man’s history books. Instead, impact is directly related to mature believers.

                        b. Mature believers have a tremendous influence on every facet of our life.

                                    (1) They have an influence on the establishment principle of freedom through military victory.

                                    (2) They have an influence on law enforcement, from the judge on the bench to the police officer on patrol.

                                    (3) They have an influence on the economy.

                                    (4) They have an influence on the general life and culture.

                                    (5) They have an influence in Christianity, e.g., in evangelism, Bible teaching, and missionary activity.

                        c. But when the pivot of mature believers shrinks, the cycles of discipline begin. Then the only solution is found in an enlarged pivot of believer who attain spiritual maturity and execute the protocol plan of God.

            3. Invisible God plus invisible assets plus invisible power equals invisible heroes.

            4. Visible heroes are related to the laws of divine establishment. Invisible heroes are related to the pivot of mature believers.

            5. Freedom through military victory manufactures visible heroes. Post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation manufactures invisible heroes.





A.  Visible Heroes of the Theocentric Dispensations.

            1. Abraham was a visible hero, Rom 4:20-21, “Yet he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what God had promised He was able also to perform.”

            2. Moses was a great visible hero. However, it was not his genius that made him great, but the fact that he told the people when leading them out of Egypt, “Fear not. Stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today . . . The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

            3. Joshua succeeded Moses. He became a great visible hero once he understood that the Lord Jesus Christ was in command. At the end of his days as he saw the trends toward apostasy, he said in Joshua 24:15, “Choose you for yourselves today whom you will serve. . .  But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

            4. David stood before Goliath saying, “The battle is the Lord’s.”

            5. Elijah said before the people, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, then follow Him.”

            6. Daniel in chapter 2 “answered and said, `That the name of God be blessed forever and ever. For wisdom and power belong to Him. Furthermore, it is He who changes the times and the dispensations. He removes the kings; He establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise men and knowledge to the knowers of doctrine.’” As Daniel faced the fiery furnace, he said, “I will not renounce the Lord. Even if He sees fit to take me, I’d rather be in His will than to renounce Him.” 7. These and others were visible heroes in the theocentric dispensations of the Old Testament which called for visible heroes.  


B.  The Invisible Hero of the Hypostatic Union.

            1. We live in one of the christocentric dispensations, the great power experiment of the Church Age. The purpose of the Church Age is to manufacture invisible heroes out of the royal family of God.

            2. All our precedence is taken from the great power experiment of the hypostatic union, not from the Mosaic Law. Therefore, we have only one hero:  our Lord Jesus Christ.

            3. During His incarnation, our Lord was very visible to Israel. As the Messiah, Son of David, and ruler of Israel, He followed the Old Testament pattern and was a very visible hero.

            4. In His role as ruler of the Church, He is invisible. Our Lord prophesied about the great power experiment of the Church Age in the Upper Room Discourse and before He ascended, Acts 1:4-8.

            5. But our Lord also demonstrated what an invisible hero in the Church Age would do:  he would live inside the divine dynasphere. He functioned in the prototype divine dynasphere, which is exactly like the operational-type divine dynasphere that has been given to us.

            6. On the cross, Jesus Christ remained impeccable and could stay on the cross bearing our sins because He was sustained by the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit inside the prototype divine dynasphere and because He had God’s perfect happiness. These problem(c)solving devices are available to us as well. All that we have in the great power experiment of the Church Age comes from the great power experiment of the hypostatic union.

            7. So as a visible hero, our Lord presented Himself to Israel as Messiah, the Son of David. As an invisible hero, our Lord was judged for the sins of the world on the cross. That invisibility was enhanced by the fact that darkness fell across the land from 12 noon until 3 p.m., according to Mt 27:45, during which period of time our Lord received the judgment for the sins of the world.

            8. Just as our Lord executed the salvation plan of God in the First Advent, we are here to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.  


C.  Invisible Heroes of the Church Age.

            1. The purpose of the great power experiment of the Church Age is to manufacture invisible heroes. The invisible hero is the product of Bible doctrine.

                        a. The invisible hero are a combination of the fulfillment of tactical and strategic objectives of the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. The tactical objectives are a personal sense of destiny and spiritual maturity. The strategic objectives are occupation with Christ and Pleroma status or maximum glorification of God.

                        b. The invisible hero dies with absolutely no regrets and will have no shame at the evaluation throne of Christ.

            2. The invisible hero advances to spiritual maturity. He executes the protocol plan of God. He spends enough time inside the operational(c)type spiritual life and under the ministry of whomever is his right pastor to learn the principles of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            3. Invisible God plus invisible assets plus invisible power equals the invisible hero.

            4. No one can become an invisible hero apart from postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation, which emphasizes consistent exposure to and cognition of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, through which the believer attains spiritual maturity and provides invisible impact.

                        a. The great power experiment of the Church Age is designed to manufacture invisible heroes through perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine.

                        b. Metabolized doctrine plus wisdom results in momentum in the protocol plan of God. The execution of the protocol plan results in the manufacture of invisible heroes.

            5. The mystery doctrine of the Church Age cannot be perceived and metabolized apart from residence, function, and momentum inside your very own palace, the operational(c)type divine dynasphere.

                        a. He is generally filled with the Spirit at gate #1 of the divine dynasphere.

                        b. He has already learned the basic doctrines, basic modus operandi, and problem(c)solving devices at gate #2.

                        c. He has enforced and genuine humility so that he perpetuates perception of Bible doctrine, and thereby spiritual momentum.

                        d. He functions consistently under postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation. Therefore, he functions under gate #4, which is the perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine.

                        e. He has advanced to gate #5, the first gate of spiritual adulthood, where he has attained spiritual self(c)esteem, which is cognitive self(c)confidence. Then he passes providential preventative suffering, the suffering for blessing which advances him to gate #6.

                        f. In spiritual autonomy at gate #6, he passes the four parts of momentum testing from cognitive independence.

                        g. Finally, he advances to spiritual maturity and Pleroma status. He passes evidence testing and becomes an invisible hero. As an invisible hero, the believer becomes a part of the pivot, which is the last stand of any client nation and its only basis for genuine blessing.

            6. The spiritual gift of pastor(c)teacher is the divinely(c)appointed vehicle for the communication of the mystery doctrine as well as other doctrines and principles in the Word of God.

                        a. The pastor communicates all of the mechanics and information necessary for the execution of the protocol plan. An invisible hero is only manufactured through the execution of the protocol plan of God. The believer can only glorify God through the execution of that plan in the Church Age.

                        b. So it is absolutely necessary for the believer as a royal priest to sit still, listen, concentrate under the filling of the Spirit, understand, and believe the doctrine, metabolizing it by faith perception.

                        c. No believer can execute the protocol plan of God, become an invisible hero, or glorify God apart from the teaching ministry of a pastor. This dramatizes the importance of isagogical, exegetical, categorical expository teaching of the Word of God.

            7. In the client nation, visible heroes are related to the laws of divine establishment, while invisible heroes are related to the pivot of mature believers.

            8. As goes the believer, so goes the client nation to God.

            9. The magnetism of the invisible hero is not only related to his utilization of the ten problem(c)solving devices of the protocol plan, but to his invisible impact on history in five categories.


D.  The Invisible Hero’s Impact on History.

            1. Personal impact is defined as blessing to others by association often without their cognizance. Blessing by association with the invisible hero includes the following peripheries.

                        a. Family:  husband, wife, mother, father, children, relatives, pets.

                        b. Organizations:  businesses, schools, teams, law firms, medical clinics, military organizations, law enforcement, engineering firms, banks, corporations, symphony orchestra, etc.

                        c. Social life.

                        d. Church life, mission board, prep school, Christian service organizations.

                        e. Geographical:  neighborhood, city, county, state, nation.

            2. Historical impact is defined as blessing by association to the Gentile client nation through the formation of the pivot of mature believers. The client nation to God has certain distinct characteristics, such as: freedom that includes equal rights before the law, freedom to evangelize, a large number of believers in the nation, a portion of those believers execute the spiritual life of the Church Age as a pivot of mature believers. From these invisible heroes come evangelists, pastor(c)teachers, and missionaries, who extend the spiritual life of that nation. In the Church Age we have the “times of the Gentiles” of Lk 21:24, in which only Gentile nations can function as client nations to God. Rom 11:25 mentions “the fulness of the Gentiles,” which is the invisible heroes of the Church Age reigning with Christ in the millennium.

                        a. Through postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation, the believer executes the protocol plan of God and advances to spiritual maturity, becoming both an invisible hero and a member of the pivot of the client nation.

                        b. The size of the pivot of invisible heroes and the number of those who reach PLEROMA status determines the blessing or cursing of that nation and the history of that nation.

                        c. A large pivot of invisible heroes means national blessing and prosperity in spiritual affairs as well as in the function of government, law enforcement, military modus operandi, the economy, and the cultural and social life of the nation.

                        d. A small pivot of invisible heroes and believers in PLEROMA status means the administration of the five cycles of discipline to the client nation, Lev 26:14(c)17; Lev 26:18(c)20; Lev 26:21(c)22; Lev 26:23(c)26; Lev 26:27(c)38 plus Deut 28:49(c)67. A large pivot of invisible heroes means the five cycles of discipline are cancelled and the nation is delivered by the grace of God.

                        e. As goes the PLEROMA believer, so goes the client nation to God historically, spiritually, economically, culturally, and socially.

                        f. When the pivot shrinks through apostasy, the client nation declines. It is eventually destroyed by the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline.

            3. International impact is defined as blessing by association to a non(c)client nation through missionaries who have attained spiritual maturity. Missionaries who have international impact are those believers who are consistent in the cognition of Bible doctrine under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit and their right pastor. Many missionaries are disqualified from international impact because they are works oriented through production skills and they lack spiritual skills. Spiritual skills must precede production skills for the production of divine good.

                        a. The missionary who is an invisible hero has a dual impact of blessing by association.

                                    (1) The mature missionary is a blessing to the client nation from which he comes.

                                    (2) The mature missionary is a blessing to the foreign country to which he goes.

                                    b. When the invisible hero goes to a foreign country as a missionary, he or she becomes a source of blessing by association to that non(c)client nation, so that it prospers.

                        c. The mature missionary does not interfere with the politics, the culture, or the function of the non(c)client nation through Christian activism which is both evil and a part of moral degeneration.

                        d. The mature missionary functions under the indigenous policy and modus operandi, in which he or she produces divine good from their spiritual life. Therefore, his impact is both invisible and spiritual. The indigenous policy includes:

                                    (1) True evangelism in the foreign country.

                                    (2) Teaching Bible doctrine to the converts.

                                    (3) Establish local churches and training in the spiritual gifts.

                        e. The result of invisible international impact is two categories of blessings by association.

                                    (1) Spiritual prosperity comes from evangelism, the training of national pastors, and the formation of self(c)sustaining local churches in that nation.

                                    (2) National prosperity without activism, interference, social engineering, civil disobedience, terrorism, or revolution.

            4. Angelic impact is defined as the invisible hero becoming a witness for the Prosecution in the rebuttal phase of Satan’s appeal trial during human history. This witness is accomplished by the attainment of spiritual maturity and by the mature believer passing evidence testing.

                        a. The importance of this invisible impact is based on the fact that the Church Age is the only prolonged period of human history where the angelic conflict is totally invisible. Angels are visible in every other dispensation except the Church Age.

                        b. When people become believers in Jesus Christ and execute the protocol plan of God, they are applauded by the elect angels. Angels cheer when someone becomes an invisible hero.

                        c. Mankind was created to resolve the prehistoric angelic conflict. Therefore, angels are now observing human history.

                        d. In the dispensation of the hypostatic union, angels observed the Incarnation, 1 Tim 3:16.

                        e. In the dispensation of the Church, angels are observing you, 1 Cor 4:9; Eph 3:10; 1 Tim 5:21; 1 Pet 1:12.

                        f. The Church Age therefore has an unusual testimony. Every Church Age believer is a testimony to homo sapiens who are visible and to millions of angelic creatures who are invisible.

                        g. Therefore, the invisible hero fulfills the very purpose for which man was created and confined to planet earth.

            5. Heritage impact is blessing by association with the invisible hero after his death. He is now “absent from the body and face to the face with the Lord", in a place of “no more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, no more death; the old things have passed away,(Rev 21:4).

                        a. Therefore, heritage impact is blessing by association to the next generation. It is the continuation of blessing by association after the death of an invisible hero to one or perhaps two following generations.

                        b. Heritage impact is blessing by association on an individual basis only. This means that the loved ones and possibly the close friends and associates of the invisible hero, regardless of their spiritual status, believer or unbeliever, winners or losers in the protocol plan of God, are blessed by their association with the invisible hero after his death.

                        c. This explains one reason why even the wicked prosper, believer or unbeliever. Both believers and unbelievers prosper in any given generation because of their association with the invisible hero.

                        d. Believers, winners or losers, also prosper on the basis of logistical grace. Since many believers are wicked, they prosper only because of logistical grace.


E.  Failure to Become an Invisible Hero.

            1. Invisible heroes are manufactured through Bible doctrine.

                        a. You cannot sit down and read the Bible for yourself and execute the protocol plan of God. Were that possible, we should all go home and read the Bible vigorously.

                        b. However, the spiritual gift of pastor(c)teacher has been given. Its purpose is to dig out, categorize, exegete, and teach God’s plan for your life.

                        c. Your failure to put Bible doctrine first makes it impossible for the pastor(c)teacher to communicate this information.

            2. As Rebecca West wrote, “The trouble about man is twofold:  he cannot learn truths that are too complicated, and he forgets truths that are too simple.” We paraphrase:  “The trouble with the Church Age believer is twofold:  because of negative volition, he cannot learn Bible doctrines that are too complicated, and he forgets Bible doctrines that are too simple.”

            3. Marcus Aurelius said, “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

            4. Lack of concentration under the ministry of the Holy Spirit when Bible doctrine is taught is tantamount to negative volition, resulting in cosmic involvement.

            5. Arrogance is the greatest hindrance to becoming an invisible hero. Therefore, we are commanded to heed the mandate of Rom 12:2(c)3. “Stop being conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your thought, so that you may prove what the will of God is, namely, the good of intrinsic value achievement [advance to spiritual maturity], the well-pleasing to God [execution of protocol plan], the mature status quo [the manufacture of the invisible hero]. For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you:  stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.”


F.  The Personal Sense of Destiny of the Invisible Hero.

            1. It is that standard of thinking from doctrine that gives the invisible impact of the invisible hero, that provides the magnetism of his spiritual function, his utilization of the problem(c)solving devices, and his invisible impact in five categories.

            2. Accompanying his invisible magnetism is a personal sense of destiny and occupation with the person of Christ.

            3. God has a plan, purpose, and format for our lives. The result of this plan, purpose, and format is that personal sense of destiny. Rom 9:23, “In order that He might make known to you the riches of His glory on vessels of mercy which He prepared in advance for His glory.” There is the invisible hero with a personal sense of destiny.

            4. Eph 1:18, “That the eyes of your right lobe may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."The riches of glory refers to your fantastic portfolio of invisible assets which, when utilized, results in making you an invisible hero.

            5. Eph 3:16, “That He may give you, on the basis of the riches in glory, to become strong by means of power through His Spirit in your inner being.”

            6. For the Church Age believer living on planet earth, you have no destiny apart from the protocol plan of God. To fail to understand it means to fail to use it. To fail to use it means you revert to whatever you would be as an unbeliever. In addition, all the disasters from involvement in cosmic one, cosmic two, and reversionism could be added to your life.

            7. Your destiny was assigned to you in eternity past when God provided for you your very own portfolio of invisible assets.

            8. To attain your destiny as an invisible hero, you must pass the three stages of suffering for blessing.

                        a. Providential preventative suffering.

                        b. Momentum testing.

                        c. Evidence testing.

            9. Under the protocol plan of God, you personally have a destiny. That destiny actually began the moment you believed in Jesus Christ.

     10. God has a plan for your life, but that plan cannot be discovered apart from perception of doctrine. Your personal sense of destiny is related to your cognition of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

     11. If God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted. God only promotes prepared believers who are in spiritual adulthood. God promotes invisible heroes. The five categories of impact give you a phenomenal opportunity.


G.  The Death of the Invisible Hero.

            1. There is only one way to die as a believer, and that is to die as an invisible hero.

            2. In the protocol plan of God, physical death is God’s victory for every believer, both winners and losers. This is because God, in His sovereignty, decides the time, place, and manner of our dying. Up until then, we use our volition to choose for or against the protocol plan of God.

            3. Categorically, the protocol plan of God can be regarded from two viewpoints.

                        a. From the viewpoint of spiritual growth.

                                    (1) The life beyond gnosis, Eph 3:17, from salvation to spiritual maturity.

                                    (2) The life beyond dreams, Eph 3:20, from spiritual maturity to physical death or the Rapture.

                        b. From the viewpoint of spiritual experience.

                                    (1) The living stage, Phil 1:21a, “For me living is Christ.”

                                    (2) The dying stage, Phil 1:21b, “and dying is profit.” Rom 14:8, “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” That is living and dying under occupation with the person of Christ.

            4. The living stage of the Christian life or protocol plan begins one second after salvation through faith in Christ and continues to the point of dying. In the living stage, we make decisions, both good decisions from a position of strength, and bad decisions from a position of weakness.

            5. But once we begin to die, it is strictly the Lord’s decision and His victory. The dying stage of the protocol plan of God begins at the point when we are aware (or unaware) that we are dying, and continues until the point of physical death or the Rapture, whichever occurs first.

                        a. Dying must be distinguished from the moment of death. Dying can be short or prolonged, painless or painful.

                        b. During the living stage, the believer has full use of his volition to execute the protocol plan under equal privilege and equal opportunity.

                        c. But from the moment we begin to die, we are in the hands of the sovereignty of God. The volition of the believer may coexist with the sovereignty of God while living, but once he begins to die, it all falls to the sovereignty of God.

                        d. How we handle dying is very important. We are prepared for it as invisible heroes. We are not prepared for it as believers who are losers in the Christian life.

                        e. The dying stage of the protocol plan is a matter of the sovereign decision of God, based on His omnipotence, wisdom, and integrity.

                        f. In the living stage of the protocol plan of God, the believer through the use of his own volition has control over his life for success or failure in the execution of God’s plan.

                        g. Therefore, while the believer has control over his life to become a winner or a loser in the protocol plan, he has no control over the time, place, or manner of his death.

                        h. Since the dying of the believer is a matter of the wisdom, integrity, and sovereignty of God, the death of every believer, winner or loser, is God’s victory. Since God decides, God is the victor.

                        i. Since it is impossible for God to be unfair or unjust, the time, place, and manner of our death is always a perfect decision. God is perfect; His sovereign decisions are perfect.

                        j. Ps 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” That verse applies to both winners and losers.

                        k. How well we accept the sovereign decision of God in dying depends on our spiritual state. The only preparation for dying is spiritual preparation, which means the execution of the protocol plan of God, becoming an invisible hero, and glorifying Him.

                        l. Invisible heroes die well, for their dying is profit to them.

                        m. The manner of our dying is a matter of the wise, sovereign, and just decision of our Lord. Our dying can be painful and quick or prolonged and painless; we have no control over the manner of our death. However, God has prepared us for whatever the manner of our death with His fantastic plan.

                        n. We have two testimonies:  a living and a dying testimony.

                        o. No one can judge the reason or cause for the death of a fellow believer. It is not subject to human judgment or human speculation. It is strictly the Lord’s decision.

                        p. Death follows dying. According to 2 Cor 5:8, all believers, winners and losers alike, are “absent from the body and face to face with the Lord.” According to Rev 21:4, we are in a place of “no more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, no more death; the old things have passed away.”

                        q. Since dying and death is God’s victory, those loved ones left behind have no right to be bitter or to blame God. For “we do not sorrow as those who have no hope.” The attitude of the living at the grave side is found in Job 1:21:  “The Lord gave; the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

                        r. The living have no right to question the judgment of God in the death of a loved one, for such a reaction is seeking to rob God of His victory in Christian death. In fact, it is blasphemous to question the perfect judgment of God regarding the death of a loved one. The loved one who is a believer is in heaven, whether winner or loser, in a state of perfect happiness.

            6. There’s nothing as important as the death of the invisible hero. This is a part of his fantastic testimony, “For me, living is Christ and dying is profit.”

            7. The death of the invisible hero is classified as dying grace.

            8. For the invisible hero, God has actually saved the best until last.

            9. If as a winner you enjoy living, you will love dying. Winners use the ten problem(c)solving devices in living, and they continue to use them in dying. Rom 14:8, “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

      10. In both living and dying, the winner uses the rebound technique, the filling of the Holy Spirit, the faith(c)rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, +H or sharing the happiness of God, a personal sense of destiny, and occupation with the person of Christ.


H.  The Loser.

            1. There are two categories of dying Christians.

                        a. Winners under dying grace

.                       b. Losers under the sin unto death.

                        c. But whether a winner or a loser, whether in dying grace or the sin unto death, the death of every believer is God’s victory.

            2. The loser is defined as the Church Age believer in Jesus Christ who, through negative volition toward Bible doctrine, has failed to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. He does not fulfill God’s plan for his life after salvation.

            3. The loser is the believer in Jesus Christ who has wrong priorities and spends his life in the cosmic system.

            4. The loser has a right pastor, but because of cosmic involvement, he never sees his right pastor, or he only visits occasionally.

            5. In many cases, the loser finds his right pastor but rejects him. Or the loser finds his right pastor and accepts him until he is distracted.

            6. Rejection of one’s right pastor is tantamount to rejection of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            7. The loser continues to receive logistical grace support and blessing.

            8. The loser does not lose his salvation; he only loses his escrow blessings for time and eternity.

                        a. No failure on the part of a loser can cancel the forty things he receives at the moment of faith in Christ.

                        b. Therefore, the term “loser” does not imply loss of salvation. It is the quintessence of human arrogance to assume that a believer could do something so sinful, awful, evil, or blasphemous that it would cancel what God has done for him at salvation. Nothing can cancel our salvation.

                        c. However, because the loser’s escrow blessings are irrevocable, they remain on deposit forever as a memorial to lost opportunity.

            9. The loser has equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan with all believers who become winners.

     10. But instead of becoming an invisible hero, the loser is bored, dissatisfied, preoccupied with self, arrogant, frustrated, distracted, unstable, and unable to utilize the problem(c)solving devices.

     11. Therefore, the loser provides cursing by association which has adverse historical repercussions in the client nation.


I.  Pattern for Invisible Heroship in the Church Age:  the Apostle Paul.

            1. The pattern for invisible heroship of the Church Age is the apostle Paul.

            2. Eph 3:13, “Therefore, I ask you not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you which will be your glory.” Paul received both momentum testing and evidence testing while in prison. While incarcerated, he was able to advance to spiritual autonomy and to spiritual maturity.

            3. Paul advanced to each stage of spiritual adulthood: spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity. Each stage was tested by suffering for blessing. This system of suffering for blessing is unique to the Church Age, and it is designed to manufacture invisible heroes. You have equal privilege and equal opportunity to become one.

            4. Instead of being discouraged by Paul’s suffering for blessing, the recipients of the prison epistles will be benefitted by perception and metabolization of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            5. The three categories of suffering for blessing never existed in this form until the Church Age. God has provided both prosperity and adversity in a very organized form for you to execute God’s plan and will for your life.

            6. The benefit of metabolization and application is what Paul calls in Eph 3:13, “which will be for your glory.” There are two stages of this glory or of glorifying God. The first is the advance to spiritual maturity through momentum testing and receiving the distribution of your escrow blessings for time. The second is spiritual maturity plus evidence testing equals the glorification of God to the maximum; the reason why invisible heroes are kept alive.

            7. Paul’s communication of the mechanics by which the believer learns how to glorify God through the attainment of spiritual maturity and passing evidence testing is found in Ephesians 3. This is how invisible heroes are manufactured; this will be your glory. (See the doctrine of Paul.)


J.  The Source of Invisible Heroes.

            1. We have the opportunity after believing in Jesus Christ of becoming invisible heroes. This plan is not man-made, but was decided billions of years ago in eternity past.

            2. The source of this plan is God. The sovereignty of God is infinitely and eternally superior to the free will of man. Man from his own volition comes up with many plans. But the plan from the sovereignty of God is the only plan God recognizes in this Church Age.

            3. Billions of years ago in eternity past, the sovereignty of God made policy decisions with regard to mankind. He decided to permit the free will of man to coexist with His sovereignty in human history.

            4. Therefore, man makes two kinds of decisions:  good decisions from the position of strength or bad decisions from the position of weakness. Good decisions from a position of strength are non-meritorious, compatible with God’s grace policy. Bad decisions from a position of weakness are related to human merit and ability and even human heroship, and so are incompatible with God’s grace policy.

            5. Since during the course of human history, the sovereignty of God permits the coexistence of our human volition with His sovereignty, He has provided a protection so that we can choose for something far greater than anything man can contrive:  Truth.

            6. Truth or Bible doctrine is the design of God billions of years ago so that we can make good decisions from a position of strength in contrast to bad decisions from a position of weakness. All of us in the flesh have weaknesses and are weak. We are dependent upon the grace of God for the manufacture of heroes; i.e., invisible heroes.

            7. Part of this system of truth is the gospel, which gives us our first opportunity to make a good decision rather than a bad one. Our good decision:  personal faith in Jesus Christ. The bad decision:  to reject Jesus Christ as Savior. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; but he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”


K.  Invisible heroes in the Church Age are a testimony to angels.

            1. The angelic conflict is divided into two categories:  visible and invisible warfare. In the Old Testament dispensations, the angelic conflict was a combination of both visible and invisible warfare, both in heaven and on earth. Sometimes the warfare was in heaven and therefore invisible. Sometimes it was on earth and therefore visible, as noted in Gen 6.

            2. The only exception to this is during the Church Age, when it is strictly invisible warfare. Therefore, the objective for the Church Age believer under the protocol plan of God is to become an invisible hero. Whatever your function or station in life, as a believer in Jesus Christ you have only one objective which should be placed above everything else, and that is to become an invisible hero.

            3. Invisible heroes are manufactured by the execution of the protocol plan of God.

            4. Remember that during the Church Age, there are no visible angels, elect or fallen, yet angels are watching your every move. You are, as it were, in an arena being watched by angels, since the Church Age is the center of the invisible angelic conflict.

            5. Not only that, but the Church Age is the focal point of the invisible angelic conflict, 1 Cor 4:9; Eph 3:10; 1 Tim 5:21; 1 Pet 1:12.

            6. The life of every Church Age believer is related to a higher and greater invisible conflict. We have a tendency to be people(c)oriented because we see people every day. But what is most important is our testimony to angels. That is a part of our invisible conflict, and a part of your execution of the protocol plan of God.

            7. When you execute the protocol plan of God, you have a much higher testimony, and the reflection of that testimony is that God blesses your client nation. But when Christians fail to execute the protocol plan of God in this dispensation, then cursing comes upon their client nation.

            8. Those who execute the protocol plan of God are winners and invisible heroes. Those who fail to execute the protocol plan of God are losers, described in Eph 4:17(c)32.

            9. The invisible angelic conflict, which is coterminous with human history, necessitates a different plan of God for every dispensation. One reason why God’s plan changes for every dispensation is because during some dispensations, angels are visible; during others, angels are invisible. In most dispensations, there’s a mixture of the two, e.g., in the dispensations of the Old Testament and during the Tribulation. The only exception is the Church Age when the entire conflict is invisible. Therefore, the plan designed for our circumstances is the protocol plan of God.

     10. Winners execute the protocol plan, while losers are casualties to carnality and their arrogance.

     11. Eph 6:10(c)17 teaches this invisible warfare in detail. Therefore, the accouterments of armor mentioned in that passage are all related to the fact that we fight an invisible enemy.


L.  Summary of the Winner.

            1. The winner or mature believer receives distribution of his escrow blessings for time.

                        a. Eph 1 teaches that billions of years ago in eternity past, God the Father, as the grantor, deposited greater blessings into escrow for every believer, i.e., greater blessings for both time and the eternal state.

                        b. Our Lord Jesus Christ as the escrow officer makes distribution of escrow blessings in time and in eternity at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

                        c. Therefore, the winner has phenomenal impact and blessing in time as well as reward in eternity.

            2. The invisible hero is a mature believer who has a dynamic impact in history.

                        a. During the times of the Gentiles, the greatest historical impact is not recorded in man’s history books. Instead, impact is directly related to mature believers.

                        b. Mature believers have a tremendous influence on every facet of our life.

                                    (1) They have an influence on the establishment principle of freedom through military victory.

                                    (2) They have an influence on law enforcement, from the judge on the bench to the police officer on patrol.

                                    (3) They have an influence on the economy.

                                    (4) They have an influence on the general life and culture.

                                    (5) They have an influence in Christianity, e.g., in evangelism, Bible teaching, and missionary activity.

                        c. But when the pivot of mature believers shrinks, the cycles of discipline begin. Then the only solution is found in an enlarged pivot of believers who attain spiritual maturity and execute the protocol plan of God.

            3. Invisible God plus invisible assets plus invisible power equals invisible heroes.

            4. Visible heroes are related to the laws of divine establishment. Invisible heroes are related to the pivot of mature believers.

            5. Freedom through military victory manufactures visible heroes. Postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation manufactures invisible heroes.




© 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
